Entrepreneur you

Even if you don’t have all the qualities right now to become an entrepreneur, you can develop those talents. All you need is the desire and some practice!

But first, let’s find out which qualities you already have. Try out this fun, self-quiz to see how you measure up!

How did you do? Spend a few minutes talking with somebody, maybe a future business partner or your Angel Investors, about the following:

Your Strengths

What do you do best?

Your weaknesses

What do you struggle with?


If you have a partner, can you make up for each other’s weaknesses? Could you hire someone?


Interview an entrepreneur you know (this can be one of your aunts or someone you feel the most comfortable with). Ask them the following questions and record their answers:


Share 1 story of a business success


Share 1 story of a business failure


What would you do different if you were starting your business today?


Which characteristics and skills contributed most to your success?

Create a presentation about your interview in whatever format you’d like (Google Slides, video recording, audio recording, written paper, etc.)

  • Make sure you create a polished presentation that looks and/or sounds good enough to hand in for school and will impress your Angel Investors.
  • Show clearly how the person you interviewed answered all of the questions.
  • If you have a business partner, you can work together as a team to do 1 interview – but if you each do an interview, you’ll get 2 Angel Investments.


Because this is an uncomfortable task, once you present this to your Angel Investors, you’ll receive



It’s finally time to get on with what you’ve been wanting to do from the start …


Want to beef up your business account? Your Angel Investors will reward you with $10 for reading 2 chapters of any of the following books:

  • I Want More Pizza
  • Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens
  • The Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting and Running a Business (1 chapter of this book counts)
  • Clever Girl Finance